Heimat | ru

There are at least three bands, who share the name. 1) A French duo consisting of OLIVIER from CHEVEU and ARMELLIE from THE DREAMS. Their debut album contains ten tracks of Afro-beat rhythms, cinematic soundscapes and post-punk aggression, almost sounding as if John Carpenter, RZA and The Slits made a record together. Sort of. 2) A Flemish Pagan Black Metal band. HEIMAT was founded in 1999 by Strop and Twissak. The band has his heathen themes rooted in the own cultural heritage. Musically Heimat was influenced by Storm, Enslaved and Kampfar. The name “Heimat” stands for Fatherland in a lot...
HEIMAT-LOS (also spelled Heimatlos on the last two records) was a hardcore punk band from the outskirts of Paris, France (active from 1983 to 1988). They formed with the intent to play as fast as possible and with as much pure energy as they could muster, but at the same time they managed to write tuneful thrash songs. At the core of their distinctive sound was the bass player's unique power strum which was a novelty at that time. So in the 80s many French punks discovered hardcore music through Heimat-los recordings and concerts. Another specificity of Heimat-los was to...
Найдено 193 песни, продолжительность: 13:03:45
Verteidiger der Heimat
Judenfreie Heimat
Ich liebe die Heimat
Volk, Heimat, Odin (F.i.e.L.)
Meine Heimat
Tot und Hoch
Heimat (Instrumental)
Heimat in Not
Wa(h)re Heimat
Sexy girl
Der Ahnen Heimat
Fern der Heimat
Meine Heimat
Wieder Ja !
Dein Architekt
So Traurig
Die Heimat
Wieder Ja !
Kehr Ich einst zur Heimat wieder