Teens | ru

The Teens образовались в 1976-м году в Халензее – живописной части Западного Берлина, как школьная рок-группа. То что сделали эти шустрые берлинские подростки за считаные месяцы, многим музыкантам требуются годы и годы изнурительной работы. The Teens уверенно вытеснили прежнего любимца тогдашней молодёжи, группу Bay City Rollers, и до тех пор (и ещё добрую четверть века после!) не бывало ещё такой немецкой группы из несовершеннолетних музыкантов, которая у себя на родине произвела столько фурора и стала мгновенно известна и любима миллионами! — Роберт Бауер (дата рождения - 20.12.1964) — Михаэль Улих (дата рождения - 26.09.1963) — Уве Шнайдер (дата рождения -...
"We were playing together in a tour road version of the Mar-Keys, we were the rhythm section. One night we were playing a gig in Mississippi at a college. We were the only part of the band that showed up. They expected a performance and we gave them one. On the way home we thought we would put together our own band. We rehearsed for about 6 months and started playing teen clubs like the Roaring 60's, in Memphis. We were also on a local TV program called "Talent Party" which the #1 DJ in Memphis, George Klien hosted. We...
The Salteens is an indie band formed in Vancouver, BC in 2000. The original line-up has changed over the years, with the constant being the band's leader, Scott Walker. The Salteens released Short-Term Memories in 2000 and toured Canada, the USA, Australia and Japan extensively. Walker and ex-Salteens member Rob Calder started up Boompa Records in 2003 to release the second Salteens album, Let Go of Your Bad Days, the same year. Busy with the label, the Salteens remained silent over the next several years with the exception of their involvement with TV's Yo Gabba Gabba. In 2010 the Salteens...
The Bobbyteens are a poppy garage punk rock supergroup influenced by 1970s Glitter/Glam Rock, 60s/70s Bubblegum Rock, and The Ramones. formed in 1996 at the hands of Darin Raffaelli (Supercharger). Together with Tina Lucchesi (The Trashwomen), Dannielle Pimm (The Trashwomen), Lisa Schenberg (Spastics), and Russell Quan (The Mummies, The Phantom Surfers). Darin, who wrote and produced all of the Bobbyteens material, left a year later and the rest continued on their own. .
Найдено 155 песни, продолжительность: 09:29:35
Sandy Nelson Teen Beat
The Six Teens
Smells Like Teen Spirit
장난아냐 (Rocking)
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Short Shorts
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Smell Like Teen Spirit
Smells Like Teen Spirit (OST "Black Widow" )
Smells Like Teen Spiri
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Only Drums)
Troubled Teens (outro)
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Моя боль
Sexy Teens
Корейский Teen
teens love
Авиапарк (Speed Up)
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Plaine du Repos Éternel
She Looks so Perfect
Neki Dan
Ništa Opasno
teen midnight
Africa Teens
im going to do it
Therapy Session
Eddie My Love
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Smells Like Teen Spirit