Vinícius de Moraes | ru

Винисиус Кантуариа (родился 29 апреля 1951 года) – бразильский певец, автор песен, гитарист, барабанщик и перкуссионист. Он является одним из наиболее ярких представителей современной босса-новы и бразильского джаза в целом. Родом Винисиус из бразильского города Манаус (столица штата Амазонас). Он вырос в Рио-де-Жанейро и переехал в Нью-Йорк в середине 1990-х годов. Его карьера охватывает несколько направлений бразильской музыки: он основал рок-группу "O Terço" в 1970 году, выпустил шесть сольных альбомов в Бразилии в 80-х годах. После переезда в Соединенные Штаты Кантуариа стал ведущей фигурой джазовой сцены Нью-Йорка, позже завоевав признание и любовь во всем мире. Его альбомы, пронизанные романтичными латинскими...
Davi Moraes is a great musician from Bahia, rooted in the afro-funk music style. Son of a great brazilian musician, Moraes Moreira, he learn to play his first instrument when he was only 5 years old, when his father gave to him a 'cavaquinho'. Song by song, the little boy became more and more excited with being a musician. His work has influenced a lot of other musicians, including his ex-girlfriend and brazilian pop star, Ivete Sangalo. The albuns Papo Macaco and Orixá Mutante both rendered good reviews from the brazilian press. .
The founder of Os Novos Baianos, Moraes Moreira was the main composer of the group (with lyricist Luís Galvão). Departing for a highly successful solo career, he has recorded many albums, always fusing the rich folklore of Bahia with rock and pop influences. He also became an ardent fighter for the cause of the Bahian Carnival, promoting shows with that repertory throughout Brazil. His compositions have been recorded by many interpreters, among them Gal Costa (her rendition of "Festa do Interior" was the most played song in Brazil in 1982), Daniela Mercury, Fagner, Simone, Zizi Possi, Ney Matogrosso, Elba Ramalho,...
Vinicius de Moraes, o poetinha ("the little poet"), (October 19, 1913 — July 9, 1980), born Marcus Vinicius da Cruz de Melo Morais in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was a seminal figure in contemporary Brazilian music (mpb. As a poet, he wrote lyrics for a great number of songs that became all-time classics. He was also a composer, a playwright, a diplomat and, as an interpreter of his own songs, he left several important albums. From a musical family, Vinicius began writing poetry early in life. At the age of 14, he became friends with the brothers Paulo and Haroldo...
Найдено 155 песни, продолжительность: 09:24:54
Mas Que Nada
Samba da Bênçao
Canto de Ossanha
Monologo De Orfeu
Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Você
Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar Soneto de Fidelidade
04. Medo De Amar (Vinicius de Moraes)
Quarteto em Cy Canta Pout-pourri de Chico Buarque
Canto de Oxum
Rua Vinicius de Moraes
Mulher Carioca
Garota de Ipanema (+)
Rua Vinicius de Moraes
Pot-pourri de Vinicius com Jobim, Lyra y Powell
Monologo de Orfeu
Si todos fossem iguais a voçe
Chega de saudade (MelomanFm)
Ao Pé da Cruz (feat. Vinicius de Moraes)