LTN | ru

Adultnapper is a shadowy figure drawn from the dark reaches of Francis Harris’ imagination. Harris, a philosphy phD drop-out with punk rocker roots, hails from suburban Las Vegas but has called Brooklyn home for the past 9 years — a stretch in which he has gone from “hating dance music”, to establishing himself as an underground DJ/Producer with a unique sound and a global audience. In 2004, having achieved success as a DJ, Label Owner and Event Producer, Harris turned to the studio, intent on exploring new sonic territory, and adopting the Adultnapper moniker to represent his efforts. What emerged...
mutating groove. “HTRSPLTN - young and very talented producer, who was born and is still living in the heart of Siberia, Ulan-Ude. Ivan Zhurovich, it’s his real name, is one of the few musicians living in Russia, who really stays true to himself and his music. He doesn’t follow fashion trends and chase popularity. When you’re listen to his music, you realize that this is the music for the sake of music. Nothing is superfluous. As it always is with his material, the only rule that applies there is “expect the unexpected”. His music has a bit of abstract hip-hop,...
Lance Keltner began playing guitar at age 10. By the age of 12 he was rocking the music scene in Oklahoma and Texas to packed houses fronting his own band. There was never any doubt that Lance would pursue a career in music. At age 19, Keltner moved to Austin, Texas where he quickly became an important part of the up-and-coming rock scene. Keltner had grown up on the blues, and was now transmitting those blues riffs he had learned as a young boy through several 100 watt Marshall Stacks, and opening shows for everyone from Joe Satriani, to Eric...
Johan Heltne is a Swedish singer/songwriter whose music is just beginning to drift over to America. "Vetenskapliga Bevis För Att Jesus Lever" (Roughly translates into Scientific proof that Jesus is Alive) is his third album. He states that it a cooperative effort between himself and 20 of his friends, all of whom write and produce their own music. He sings in his native tongue which will separate him form some English audiences. While probably best characterized as indie pop or Swedish pop. There are definitely moments when the musical element brings more artistic sounding bands such as Sigur Ros. He...
Найдено 200 песни, продолжительность: 23:19:35
Rise Like Smoke
Dim Sum 24
A Different Side Of You
Rise Like Smoke
I Will Follow (Extended Mix)
Mystery Of Life
Take Me Or Leave Me
Beside the Fire
I Will Follow (Intro Mix)
After Dark
Time of Our Lives
A Long Walk To Freedom
Mystery Of Life
Hurt Yourself
Don't Be Shy (Original Mix)
Zodiac Sign
Never Let Me Go
Moments Between Us
Cruisin (Original Mix)
ATS AUG 2014
The Untold Story (Extended Mix)
I'll Be There For You
Sleeping At The Airport
After Dark
Never Let Me Go
Nowhere To Run
Beside the Fire (Extended Mix)
EOYC 2015
A Long Walk To Freedom
Never Let Me Go
The Art Of Freedom
Hurt Yourself
Life Goes On
Inspire Instinct