Kawa By | ru

DJ Okawari creates music around the theme of "daily coexistence with music", with the core of hip-hop, sampling, at the heart of his work. His slogan is "The Music is Any Moments in Life", and he expresses life experiences through sound, hoping to portray them to the listener. "The peace just before sleep", "the bracing sensation when opening a book"... Okawari attaches a lot of importance to the relationship between events and emotions, such as these. His name, which roughly translates as "second helping", originates from the fact that he is never satisfied and always striving for more. .
There are two bands called Kawaii: - A French electro pop band (http://www.myspace.com/kawaiimusic). - A norwegian indiepop duo based in Trondheim/Bergen. The band consists of Mats Jørgensen and Hedda Fredly. (http://www.myspace.com/kawaii) .
Ryo Kawasaki (February 25, 1947 – ) chose a career as a jazz fusion guitarist after spending some years studying as a scientist. During the 60s he played with various Japanese jazz groups and also formed his own bands. In the early 70s he came to New York where he settled and found steady work in very distinguished company, including the bands of Gil Evans, Elvin Jones, Chico Hamilton, Ted Curson and Joanne Brackeen. In the mid-80s, Kawasaki drifted out of performing music in favour of writing music software programmes for computers. He also produced several techno dance singles, forming...
Найдено 3 песни, продолжительность: 05:11