Dean Gray | ru

The thing about getting to know Jason Gray is that you immediately want to share him with other people. In that way Jason is a lot like a good movie, or a great book, or some barely discovered band whose music makes you remember what it was you liked about music in the first place. Which brings us full circle, because Jason’s unique brand of emotional, thought-provoking, alternative-pop is that sort of music, and listening to it isn’t much different than having Jason Gray sitting in your living room and telling you what’s on his mind. In either case, you...
Jason Aldine Williams - американский кантри-исполнитель. Джейсон родился 28 февраля 1977 года в городке Мэйкон, штат Джорджия. Любовь к музыке Олдину привил его отец, научивший его играть на гитаре. В 14 лет состоялось первое публичное выступление Джейсона перед аудиторией в 10 человек, после чего он стал выступать на местных конкурсах талантов, ярмарках и фестивалях. В 15 лет Джейсон присодинился к 'гаражной группе', которая после окончания школы Олдином играла в студгородках в Алабаме, Джорджии и Флориде. В это же время Джейсон вместе с ещё одним участников группы Джастином Уивером начал писать песни. В 1998 году на сцене ночного клуба в Атланте...
Dobie Gray (July 26, 1940 - December 6th 2011) was an African American singer and songwriter, whose musical career spanned soul, country, pop and musical theater. His hit records included "The 'In' Crowd" in 1965, and "Drift Away", which was one of the biggest hits of 1973, sold over one million copies, and remains a staple of radio airplay. Gray was born near Houston, Texas, by his own account in Simonton although some sources suggest the nearby town of Brookshire. His birth name was probably Lawrence Darrow Brown, who is listed in the Fort Bend County Birth Records as being...
Jimmy Dean (August 10, 1928 Olton, Texas - June 13, 2010 Varina, Virginia) was an American singer, actor, and businessman who became a professional entertainer following a stint in the U.S. Air Force in the late 1940s. He was born Jimmy Ray Dean (not Seth Ward, as is sometimes stated - Seth Ward is the district of Plainview, Texas where he grew up). He became the host of the popular Washington D.C. TV program Town and Country Time and, with his Texas Wildcats, became regional favorites. Both Patsy Cline and Roy Clark got their starts with Dean, who eventually fired...
James Dean were a screamo band from Newcastle, Australia. They just broke up after releasing their final 7" EP with Hey Presto! Records. Band Members: Murray, Jason, Dane, Trent. .