Imperio | ru

Все началось, когда Norbert Reichart (продюсер Imperio) был в долгой поездке по Италии. Он был большой поклонник старых фильмов про Древний Рим, таких как например "Ben Hur", и он всегда любил их монументальную, величественную музыку. Его всегда привлекали обстановка, одежда и вкусы превалировавшие в Древнем Риме, та аура, которая его окружала. Когда Норберт ехал по шоссе на юг страны он взял свои сигареты, которые он купил. Ему в глаза бросилась надпись на пачке "Veni Vidi Vici", так родилась идея делать танцевальную музыку на основе этих 3-х знаменитых слов Цезаря. По приезду домой он моментально сел за работу воплощения своей идеи....
Magdalena Nile del Río (December 26, 1906 – August 22, 2003) was a professional singer and movie actress who was better known as Imperio Argentina. Though she was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she became a citizen of Spain. Del Río performed in Argentina's theaters, where she had a long and successful career. At that time, her stage name was Pettit Imperio. But her most successful moments came after she moved to Spain. It was there that she changed her name to Imperio Argentina, as a way to honor her "other country". While in Spain, del Río participated in many...
Imperious Rex is a Speed Metal band based in US, NY. Current line up: Nidal (drums), Kaz (guitars) and Nick (bass guitars and vocals). Imperious Rex was founded in Los Angeles by Nick and Hank (former guitarist). After their first encounter in December 2005, they started writing fast metal, bringing back the metal of the early 1980's (old Metallica, old Megadeth, old Slayer, Judas Priest, Motorhead, etc). After 5 months, George (drummer) and Julian (guitarist) joined Imperious Rex. Later they chose different paths, while Imperious Rex (Nick and Hank) was heading to an European Tour. Rene (drummer) joined in. During...