Akiko Yano | ru

Tokyo born Akiko (Japanese: あきこ) started playing piano at age of 4. She started to listen to rock / punk music, when she was a junior high school student, & then began to take her interest in various kinds of music, including 70s disco music, 60s oldies, 50s rock + country and western. Above all those music, she was especially inspired by old black music like jive, jump blues & doo wop. At age of 18, she happened to listen to Sarah Vaughan & Ella Fitzgerald - thus, discovering jazz. Afterward, she started to sing as a professional at Jazz...
There are several artists or groups with this name: 1. Yano was a folk/punk rock band in the Philippines. The band's music was well known for political and social themes. The band was originally composed of Dong Abay on vocals and Eric Gancio on guitars. The group was formed in 1993 during their college days in the University of the Philippines. Onie Badiang later joined them as the bassist, Nowie Favila was the usual drummer but declined to join the group due to commitments with Ang Grupong Pendong. Other drummers of the band included Nonong Timbalopez, Harley Alarcon and Jun...
Anatakikou's light rock sound is understated class. Bringing together three musicians that are not only talented but comfortable producing music both acoustically or electronically. Formed in 2002, Members include: Houjoh Masaki [Vocal, Guitar], Matsuura Masaki [Vocal, Guitar] and Fujii Toshimitsu [Drums, Vocal]. .
Born on 27 Oct. 1986 in Tokyo, Japan. 1996/ age 9 (4th grade) Joins the school band. She originally hoped to play the flute, but losing in a battle of “rock-paper-scissors”, she found herself stuck with the alto saxophone. 1998/ age 11 (6th grade) Finds the Jaco Pastorius album in her father’s CD collection. Shocked by Charlie Parker’s “Donna Lee” , falls in love with Jazz. Begins to learn Jazz by herself. 2001/ age 14 (8th grade) Inspired by Billie Holiday’s biography, and the fact that Billie at 14 was performing in Jazz Clubs to make a living, begins promoting...
Никки Яновски (родилась 8 февраля 1994), молодая джаз-поп-певица из Монреаля, Канада. Участвовала в Монреальском международном джазовом фестивале, на различных мероприятиях с рядом известных музыкантов, таких как Оливер Джонс, Селин Дион, Джеймс Березовых. Никки в 2007 году выпустила альбом " We All Love Ella". Она - самая молодая исполнительница за всю 29-летнюю историю Монреальского международного джазового фестиваля. Впервые Никки выступила там летом 2006 года, когда ей было всего 12 лет. Она также выступала в 2009 году на Монреальском джазовом фестивале, а также в Bell Centre Монреаля, Air Jamaica Джаз и на блюз-фестивале в Монтего-Бей с Марвин Хэмлиш в Карнеги-Холле в Нью-Йорке,...