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Official site: 八木類(Gt/Syn/Cho)、武井優心(Vo/Ba)、 吉田アディム(Gt/Syn/Cho)、山崎正太郎(Dr/Cho) 2010年 3月 Vo/Bの武井優心、Drの山崎正太郎が中心となり結成。同月31日下北沢にて初ライブ。 4月 サポートギターで吉田アディムが参加し、その後正式加入。 5月 武井(B)とアディム(G)がThe Mirrazのサポートメンバーとしてツアーに参加。 11月 結成半年にして、初音源”erectionary”(エレクショナリー)をタワーレコード限定発売。 同月 The MirrazのツアーのOAとして全国を回る。 2011年 2月 サポートギターだった八木が正式加入し新作の制作に着手。 6月 初の全国流通となる4曲入りシングル”Casually”(カジュアリー)をリリース。 10月 待望の1stアルバム”Maminka”をリリース。 「母なる大地ツアー」と題したリリースツアーを全国7箇所で行い、大盛況に終わる。 2012年 6月 2枚目となるミニアルバム”DINOSAUR”リリース決定。 .
German trip-hop band active in the 1990s. Members: Gregor Hennig and Katharina Gorecki. .
Banaczech consists of Roy McCabe and Steve Kielty. Banaczech is their main moniker but they also released under the alias Akustik Research, including releases on Firehorse Records and Vinyl Addiction. As Banaczech the duo has released on labels such as Ultra Sounds, Partisan; the label founded by ex-Moving Shadow staff, as well as EHL's Warm Communications. They are perhaps best known for their releases on Partisan, such as PART003 - Deceptive Emotion / Ipcress File (1998), and PART023 - Zlin & Back / Karlin (1999). .
Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra was formed in 1977 by Pavel Prantl and colleagues from the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and today encompasses musicians from both the Czech Philharmonic and Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra. The ensemble debuted successfully under a series of internationally respected conductors including Josef Suk, Václav Neumann and Libor Pešek, though in general performs without conductor. Highly successful tours of Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, and Asia were followed by recording contracts with European, Asian, and American record companies for which the orchestra has garnered a coveted Grand Prix du Disque. October 1999 marked the first United States tour...
Найдено 92 песни, продолжительность: 08:54:59
Symphonie No. 5, .: I. Grave
The Czech-Mex Polka
Die Walküre, .: 3. Aufzug: Walkürenritt
Czech Girl
Tri ceske tance (Three Czech Dances)
The Gummy Bear Song Czech (Isem Pouze Z Gumy Meda)
For This Time
Hungarian Dance No.5 in G Minor, WoO 1
Check the Czech
Czech Republic - Ossuary
Schwarze Augen
Il barbiere di Siviglia: Overture
Invention No. 6, .
What a Surprise
Make It Trough
Guillaume Tell, .: Overture
Coming Home
Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 44: I. Moderato
Children Suite: II. Lullaby. Andantino
Czech Suite, Op. 39, .: Polka. Allegro grazioso
Scythian Suite, Op. 20: III. Night
Sinking Friendships
O sole mio
Music for Prague, Op. 415, .: Animé
Czech It Out
Children Suite: II. Lullaby. Andantino
Symphony No. 6 in E-Flat Minor, Op. 111: II. Largo
Czech Suite, Op. 39, .: Finale (Furiant). Presto