Ahmad Ebadi | ru

"Ahmad Jamal, который гуляет сам по себе" Прошу прощения у уважаемых читателей за то, что вынесенная в эпиграф цитата приведена в языке оригинала. Уверен, что у большинства хватит познаний в английском, чтобы оценить удачно найденную рифму в этой напоминающей рекламный слоган фразе. А вот с тем, насколько верно по сути мнение Рэчел Элькинд (Rachel Elkind), мы попытаемся разобраться ниже. И вообще, отсутствие банальности в творчестве — вещь, безусловно, замечательная, но подлинное искусство не может быть банальным просто по определению. И данную статью вряд ли имело смысл писать, если бы достоинства Ахмада Джамала ограничивались бы только этим. Но дело в том,...
Using traditional Afghan instruments, the Ahmad Sham Sufi Qawwali Group has been preforming for over thirty years. After having been banned in the years of the Taliban, the group has begun to gain popularity at home and on a global scale. .
Jawad was born on September 29, 1970 in Lahore, Pakistan to parents who are both professors of political science. Jawad Ahmad studied mechanical engineering at the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. His career in music is preceded by active participation in various societies including the music and the literary society at University of Engineering and Technology in Lahore and which he claims formed the basis of a serious consideration of adopting music as a career much later in his life after he had graduated and left the band named Jupiter. He has received no formal education in music, most...
человек, более известный как Madlib. .
Shoeb Ahmad is a musician/sound artist based in Canberra, Australia. Beginning with toy microphones and instruments, Shoeb obsessed over feedback manipulation and minimal organ drone before feeling the push of punk experimentation. He performs and records fragile tone structures and spacious songforms using guitar, voice, field recordings, keyboard and laptop. He has released recordings on the Sound & Fury, Wilting Flower and Low Point labels while performing alongside the likes of Gersey, DJ Olive, Richard Chartier, Tenniscoats, Christopher Willits and Magic Dirt. Shoeb has just released his first full length CD, titled 'Sonar Love Songs' on French label Cook An...