Lucien Deiss | ru

Lucien Foort DJ / producer / artist Being born within a musical melting pot and learning his abc´s alongside taking music lessons, didn't give him an opportunity to escape his natural born talent. Rotterdam based dj and producer Lucien Foort studied saxophone and orchestra for eight years. Growing into adolescence, he moved on to rock, rap and rave, playing in different bands and experimenting with different music genres. Lucien’s first claim to fame was with his well known rave anthem Quadrophonia. From there on Lucien takes up deejaying and develops his own signature style. His more progressive productions under the...
Джон Лусьен - (8 января 1942 – 18 августа 2007) - вокалист и музыкант, родился на острове Тортола, Британские Виргинские Острова. .
Люсьен Бойер (18 Августа 1903 - 6 Декабря 1983) - Французская певица, наиболее известна за песню Parlez-moi d'amour. Её антрепренёром был Бруно Кокатри (Bruno Coquatrix). .
Lucien-N-Luciano is a pseudonym of Lucien Nicolet (b. 1978 - aka Luciano, Lucien N Luciano, Nicol Et Lucien and Pepe Bombilla), a DJ since 1993 and a producer since 1997. In the mid-90's, he was promoting Sense Club and Encuentros con la Technocultura in Santiago de Chile in the company of many initiators of the Latin American electronic music scene: Senor Coconut AKA Atom Heart, Ricardo Villalobos, Dandy Jack & brother Adrian Schopf, Washington Miranda, Argenix Brito, Microman etc. He's played radio stations and DJed clubs & events in Santiago and Latin America, Germany, Spain & Holland, settling in Switzerland...