Victor Muñoz | ru

Born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in Worcester, Massachusetts, Victor's love for music was cultivated and shaped by his mother, a singer and a Julliard-trained pianist. After attending Bowdoin College, Victor moved to the San Francisco/Bay Area where he built a successful business and began studying voice and songwriting. In 1998, a mutual friend introduced Victor to the Grammy-nominated producer/songwriter, Kashif (Kenny G, George Benson, Whitney Houston), which led to their collaboration on his debut album, Promise (1999). Released on Victor's independent label, Regina Records, the CD gained impressive reviews and a strong cult following. In 2002, Victor followed...
Мелодичные металлюги из Ганновера "Victory" собрались вместе в 1984 году. В состав банды вошли экс-басист "Fargo" Петер Кнорн, гитаристы Томми Ньютон и Джон Локтон (экс-"Wild horses") и ударник Берни Ван Дер Грааф. По рекомендации Рудольфа Шенкера из "Scorpions" группа получила должное руководство в лице известного менеджера Дэвида Кребса. Первым вокалистом стал приятель ударника "Скорпионов" Педро. Что-то у него не заладилось, и на освободившуюся должность попробовали взять американца Теда Баллитта. После пары концертов Тед сбежал в "Thunderhead", и тогда за дело взялся менеджмент группы, чьими стараниями в "Victory" удалось завлечь Чарли Хана, ранее работавшего с Гэри Муром и Тедом Ньюджентом. В...
Victor Young (August 8, 1899 - November 10, 1956) was an American composer, violinist and conducter. He was born in Chicago. Young began as a concert violinist but moved into the popular music sphere when he joined Ted Fiorito's orchestra. In the mid '30s he moved to Hollywood where he concentrated on film work as well as making a large number of recordings of light music and providing the backing for popular singers including Bing Crosby. His composer credits include "When I Fall In Love," "Blue Star (The 'Medic' Theme)," "Sweet Sue", "Can't We Talk It Over", "Street Of Dreams",...
Non-In-Universe History: The Victorian Wizarding Romance Society is a collaborative project about the in-universe history of the Harry Potter books between several wizard rockers, who keep their identities secret in order to keep the "realism" of the project. In-Universe History: Hogwarts at the end of the 19th Century was in a precarious state under the leadership of Phineas Nigellus, so a small group of rebels formed a secret society. The identity of the musicians is lost to the ages, but it appears that it was a project between many different students over a period of several years. The group set...
Найдено 46 песни, продолжительность: 02:51:36
Corazon Abierto
Mi Princesa
Calle Luna Calle Sol
Quizas si quizas
A Escondidas
Mi Princesa
corazón abierto
Despues De La Tormenta
Pa' Decirte Que Te Quiero
Tu Guardián
Calle luna Calle sol
Como Tarzan en las Ramas
El Que Manda Soy Yo
Qué Te Pasa
Duele En Verdad
Sólo Faltas Tú
Quizás Si, Quizás No
Duendecillos En La Cama (#33)
Quizás Si, Quizás No
Cristián Muñoz. El De la Cruz en la mano
Duendecillos en la Cama
El Que Manda Soy Yo
El Que Manda Soy Yo
Tu Guardián (Official Remix)
Mi Princesa
Тu guardian
Mi Princesa
El que manda soy yo
Mi Princesa ( Remix )