Oonops Drops | ru

The Lemon Drops formed in the Chicago, Illinois suburb of McHenry in 1966. Despite its repetitive lyrics the band's only 7" I Live In The Springtime, has a strong enough melody to suggest that better things could have laid ahead... but as it turned out, none of their other 1967-68 recording sessions were released on record until the mid-eighties. Ricky Erickson (ex-The Nuchez) was brought in to do guitar on the 7" after the band's original guitarist (George Sorenson) had quit prior to the recording. "I Live In The Springtime" did get some airplay in New York at the time...
The Sky Drops are gaze-grunge duo Rob Montejo and Monika Bullette. This Delaware twosome unearth an ocean-size of sound -- a superforce of a guitar, drums and vocals. "What a Loveless-era My Bloody Valentine kicking Elliot Smith from his grave would sound like (with a twist of lemon)." - Andrew - fan of The Sky Drops Rob Montejo's previous band Smashing Orange was one of the original American shoegaze bands, peers of Lush, Ride, and Swervedriver. Smashing Orange released 4 records and 2 singles (including UK releases), toured the USA, UK and Europe, and were signed to MCA Records. Monika...
Three Blue Teardrops formed in the fall of 1991. A three piece trio of drums, upright bass and guitar, the band began writing and performing original songs that combined elements of 1970’s punk , gut bucket blues, jungle swing, gospel, garage rock, hillbilly jazz and country harmony to the 1950’s style raw rockabilly sounds of our Rock-N-Roll forefathers to create their own contemporary sound that was not stuck in the trappings of rockabilly, psychobilly, punk, blues or any single musical sub genre. Members: Randy Sabo Randy knocked out beats for Frank Allison as a teen. Three Blue Teardrops backbone is...
Official Site | YouTube | AllMusic Мастер-бластер блюза! Черное торнадо! Черная туча! Когда приходит время выходить на сцену «звезде» и барабанщик Ал Кирк выкрикивает эти слова, это означает лишь одно: Мэджик Слим, предмет гордости городка Линкольн в штате Небраска, в прошлом обитатель чикагского Сауф-Сайда сейчас появится, чтобы петь свой блюз. Блюзовее этого блюза нет. Так начинается статья журналиста Тома Хайслопа под названием «Последний настоящий чикагский блюзовый бэнд». На сцене блюзовые инстинкты Слима безошибочны. Он отбирает песни из своего поистине энциклопедического репертуара, приправляя представление шуточками типа: «Я еще более сумасшедший, чем одноглазый русский, я бешеный, как цыган, терзаемый запором». В таком...
Найдено 20 песни, продолжительность: 02:23:24
Beastie Boys Special
Oonops Drops - SmokyJazzSession2
Block Rocking Chops
MIx Oonops Drops at Radio Brooklyn
Brooklyn Radio: Oonops Drops - California Soul 5
Shaolin Techniques
Brooklyn Radio: Oonops Drops - Autumn Vibes
Straight From Japan II (toxz edition)
Oonops Drops - Flavour In Ya Ear
A Beastie Boys Special by Brooklyn Radio
For The Love Of Soul
Oonops Drops Guest Mix
Straight From Japan II
oonops drops - african roots pt.2
Groove With Smoove
Straight From Japan II
Brazilian Rhymes
Rock The Boat