AC Temple | ru

Michele Benetello, Pietro Zanetti, Giorgio Ricci, Rudi Dalla Mora .
1) Black metal band from Chemnitz, Germany (2006-present) Morituri Te Salutant Full-length 2011 Aus fremder Heimat EP 2013 2) a death/doom band from Ukraine that was formed in 1995. Released two demos - "Dreamsacapes" in 1997 and "Under the Crystal Mask" in 1998. Split up most likely in 1999 and some members went on to form Mournful Gust. .
A group of childhood friends whose favourite activity as young teens in Junior High was rehearsing self-composed music and collaborating their musical instruments to create melodies and tunes reminiscent of their individual lives as part of an expatriate community in the mid-east; there is no doubt they had something to say. Collectively, the young group complete with Michael on vocals, Nomi on guitar, and Basam on drums decided to form a band called Temple of life in the summer of '98. The young band managed to achieve many performances for crowds. It was all fun for the boys and the...
Part ambient-trance group, part holistic listening-music healers, Ambient Temple of Imagination was formed in 1992 by Richard Sun and Seofon in San Francisco, originally as a chill-out room for raves around the area. As the ambient-house style entered dance music as a whole during the next few years, Sun continued putting on ambient nights and providing alternatives to dancing. The duo also began recording, and released two albums for San Francisco's Silent Records, "Mystery School" and "Sonic Acupuncture". Recorded live at a rave in 1997, "Planetary House Nation" was released the following September. John Bush, All Music Guide .
There are at least five bands called Templeton: 1) Templeton are a pop band from Torrelavega, Spain, formed in 2002. They released their first album in 2008 called "Exposición Universal". Band members are Javier Carrasco, Jimmy Ginzo , Santi Castillo, Brian Hunt (Half Foot Outside, Kidsgofree and ex hombre orquesta de Russian Red), Gonzalo Mamano and Álvaro Martínez. 2) Templeton was a pop-punk band from Marlton, New Jersey, originally named Ten Second Rule they started in 2001 then became Templeton in September 2002 playing their first show at Marlton's Scooters. They released the "Millside Four EP" in Fall of 2002...