comprendes mendes | ru

Шон Мендес (англ. Shawn Mendes; род. 8 августа 1998, Торонто) — канадский поп-певец, автор-исполнитель. Его дебютный альбом Handwritten, выпущенный 14 апреля 2015 года, занял первые строчки хит-парадов США и Канады. Родители Шона — Карен и Мануэль Мендесы. Мать работает агентом по недвижимости, отец занимается бизнесом. Предки Шона по материнской линии — англичане, по отцовской — португальцы. Мендес начинал с того, что делал кавер-версии известных песен и размещал их в Vine, благодаря чему приобрёл немало поклонников. Его часто сравнивали с Эдом Шираном и Джастином Бибером. Позже Мендес участвовал в туре MagCon вместе с другими молодыми исполнителями, прославившимися благодаря социальным сетям. В...
Boy Ge mendes is a lyrical singer and guitar player from Cape Verde. Gerard Mendes, better known as Boy Gé Mendes is a Cape Verdean musician. He was born in Dakar, Senegal and was raised in the city's Cape Verdean diaspora community. As a child, he grew up in a household filled with the sounds of the native morna and coladeira. But he was also exposed to the music of his adopted land and to the music of Mali, Guinea and other west African countries. His early music career even included singing rock, rhythm & blues, and Cuban music, which...
BIO OF MARIO MENDES Mario Méndes, whose christian name is David, was born in a centric Madrilenian district the 26 of August 1977. From very early he discovers his vocation by music and with 6 years he begins to sing soon in the tests and later in some performance of the group of his father, Camborios 4. His facet as a dancer is discovered by his mother since he begins to imitate the movements of the musical videos of his idol Michael Jackson. Then, he started to participate in all the musical events of his school, doing covers of his...
Найдено 8 песни, продолжительность: 28:53
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control machete
2. Comprendes Mendes (Choco Control Edit) Chklte
¿Comprendes Mendes? (Control Machete Cover)