Danilo Fiedorow | ru

Danilo Montero is the founder of SIGUEME ministry, he is also associated pastor to the Latin community of Lakewood Church (Houston, TX), the biggest church in the US. He is a writer and composer. He is one the pioneers in the Latin Gospel Music and he had visited almost every country in Latin America sharing the good news of Jesus. .
Когда пишешь о любом действующем исполнителе, всегда существует опасность, что твои строки быстро утеряют актуальность. Справедливо это и в отношении пианиста и композитора Данило Переса, представителя среднего поколения в джазе, музыканта яркого, креативного, способного еще не раз удивить поклонников своего таланта неожиданными творческими поворотами. Однако, рискну предположить, что в главном – как личность и как музыкант – он уже состоялся, выкристаллизовалась суть его творческих поисков. Перес – музыкант-интегратор, он вбирает в свою музыку самые разные веяния, он искусно и талантливо соединяет в ней идеи, витающие в современном джазе. И в то же время Перес – американец в самом широком смысле...
4 th dec. 1974: Danilo was born in Naples , the celebrated southern Italy town which 20 years later will become a renowned capital of techno music 1986: Danilo starts to play music, studying classic guitar 1991: Danilo starts his DJ career and founds the 'Three Imaginary Boys', the very first underground team of the Naples club life. 1996: A significant seven years experience as a sound engineer starts, providing him a solid technical background that will enrich his future musical production with unmistakable characteristics 1999: Danilo gives birth to his music releasing Sync Mode EP for Informal Records. A...
Born in Vicenza on August 9, 1957, he moved to Rome as a child and earned his degree in piano from the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia. In 1975, he debuted with the Trio di Roma (Enzo Pietropaoli, Roberto Gatto). For concert performances and recordings, he collaborated with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Steve Grossman, Bob Berg, Phil Woods, Michael Brecker, Art Farmer, Billy Cobham, Aldo Romano, Tony Oxley, Dave Liebman, Bobby Hutcherson, Joe Lovano, Curtis Fuller, Kenny Wheeler, John Scofield and Randy Brecker. He is also very sought-after as a pop artist and has worked with some of the most prestigious...
Danilo, born on March 7 1948 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is the youngest son of Dorival Caymmi and Stella Maris, and brother of Dori Caymmi and Nana Caymmi. Brought up by two musical parents and older siblings, he showed an early interest in music and began playing the flute and the guitar as an adolescent. Danilo Caymmi is considered among the most notable Brazilian wind instrument musicians. He abandoned his studies in architecture just before finishing to dedicate himself to his music. .
Найдено 17 песни, продолжительность: 01:31:09
Alien (Original Version)
One Of These
One Of These
Electric Shock (Original Version)
One Of These (Original Version)
Electric Shock
Electric Shock
Hot Send (Original Version)
Hot Send (Original Version)
Rodeo (original version)