Pat Meadows | ru

The Juniper Meadows is a duo consisting of Brad Rose (The North Sea) and Chris Skillern. They play improvised, instrumental folk music (or 'freefolk') on various instruments, such as banjo, mandolin and melodica. The music has a calm, natural and pastoral atmosphere. .
Шведская группа из города Эрншёльдсвик Meadows End была основана в 1998 году друзьями детства как хобби. В те времена был на подъёме гётеборгский мелодик-дэт, и Meadows End приступили к записи демо-альбомов. Периоды работы перемежались периодами спячки, в результате чего в период с 1998 по 2006 группа записала лишь четыре демо ("Beyond Tranquil Dreams" (1998), "Self-Forsaken" (1999), "Everlasting" (2000) и "Soulslain" (2002)) и два мини-альбома: "Somber Nation's Fall" 2004 года и "Dead Calm Rise" 2006-го. В 2009 году для Meadows End наступил переломный момент. Было решено, что группа станет серьёзным проектом, и часть участников покинула коллектив. 9 декабря 2010 года увидел...
The Meadows are Todd Herfindal and Kevin Houlihan. Introduced years ago in San Francisco by future ex-girlfriends, the two have been making music together ever since. Todd grew up representing the West Coast under the beautiful Northern California sun. Kevin took off from New Jersey after many happy and youthful years. Now living in Los Angeles, the duo churn out one hook-laded album after the next. Since their start in 2005 they have written, produced, recorded and mastered three releases to praise from the likes of Rolling Stone, Playback: Stl, Amplifier, and AllMusic…just to name-drop a few. Todd and Kevin...
Jason Meadows had two huge loves as a kid, and both still have as much pull on him today as they did back then growing up in Oklahoma. He spent his time working the land on the family ranches, riding rodeo, or making music, and the former "Nashville Star" contestant still loves the stage and the open range with equal fervor. The title of his last album, 100 PERCENT COWBOY is a perfect description of Jason: a straight-shooting, no-nonsense, what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of guy who was raised up on hard work, fresh air, sunshine, and plenty of dust on his boots...
Marion Meadows - успешный музыкант, играет на сопрано, альте и тенор саксофонах, поёт сочиняет и пишет аранжировки. Обучался в Беркли и Purchase College, State University of New York. Работал сайдменом в различных командах, в 1990 году выпускает дебютный сольник. Выступает вместе с Stevie Wonder, Bob Baldwin, George Benson, Brook Benton, Chieli Minucci, Ray Obiedo, Joey Summerville, Pieces of a Dream, Wayman Tisdale, Eric Benet, Pete Escovedo, Douglas Spotted Eagle, Phyllis Hyman, Jean Carne, The Temptations, Don Grusin, Michael Bolton. Участник проекта Sax and The City. .
Найдено 21 песни, продолжительность: 01:43:11
Pat Murphy's Meadow
Sharp Hook
Blue Glass
Magic Memories of Love
Blue Glass
Blue Glass
Magic Memories of Love
Magic Memories of Love
Magic Memories of Love
Magic Memories of Love
Blue Glass
Pat Murphy's Meadow
Pat Murphy's Meadow
Pat Murphy's Meadow
Pat Murphy's Meadow
Pat Murphy's Meadow
Pat Murphy's Meadow (2014)
Clover In The Meadow
The Piper Thru`the Meadow Straying (BPM 76)