Casa Musica | ru

Несмотря на то, что родилась будущая звезда в Нью-Йорке, происхождение у Джулиана самое что ни на есть европейское. Его отец, испаноамериканец Джон Касабланкас (родители Джона, в свою очередь, перебрались в Новый Свет в 1930-х годах, спасаясь от гражданской войны в Испании), основал модельное агентство «Elite Model Management», где и познакомился со своей будущей супругой — датской моделью Жанетт Кристиансен, которая в своё время была обладательницей почетного титула «Мисс Дания». Но некоторое время спустя этот брак распался, и к тому времени девятилетний Джулиан стал жить с матерью в Нью-Йорке. Ещё в детстве Джулиан Касабланкас познакомился с будущим басистом The Strokes Николаем...
The Casanovas were originally formed in 1999 with all three original members hailing from Melbourne, Australia. The Casanovas was the brainchild of brothers, Tommy and Patrick Boyce and original bassist, Jimmy Lewis. The Boyce brothers met Jim while working together scrubbing pots & pans in the back kitchen of Pattersons cake shop in Windsor, Melbourne. The idea of the name ‘The Casanovas’ was partly inspired by the look of the ‘Casablanca’ records logo that featured on early Kiss vinyls that they all grew up listening to. Early on, their sound was described as AC/DC meets KISS with leanings to the...
Musica Elettronica Viva could not be easily defined as one band. Instead, MEV was closer to a movement based around the idea of free improvisation in the form of experimental, electronic jazz.In the early '70s, there were three different (but related) bands that went by the name: one in New York that included Richard Teitelbaum and Frederic Rzewski; one in Paris, led by Patricia and Ivan Coaquette (before his Spacecraft days); and one in Rome, founded by Alvin Curran. In 1970, the French label BYG issued two recordings that included members from each of the branches of MEV. The first...
There are three acts sharing the stage name La Casa: 1- La Casa is a dance act that was produced by Addy van der Zwan, Benny Van Vossel, Jan Voermans, Kees Biemans, Koen Groeneveld, and Peter Neefs. They recorded the hits "Mutha F*cka House", "Feel The Deadline", and "Free Your Soul". 2- La Casa is a French folk duet consisting of Pierre Le Feuvre and Jean-François Péculier. As LA CASA releases their songs, a hot wind wrap us up, it makes you feel listening Morricone or the Americans of Calexico. "We travel in electronic rhythms through desert, beneath a full-stared...
Casa Musica is a very popular company of producing and distributing latin and standard music. For all other information, please visit its official website. .