Marcel Becker - Neu | ru

Джейсон Бекер родился 22 июля 1969 года в простой американской семье, в которой музыке уделялось далеко не последнее место. Его отец Гари играл на классической гитаре, а дядя Рон исполнял блюз. Поэтому не было никаких сомнений, что Бэкер-мальчишка захочет стать гитарным героем. Уже в 5 лет Джейсон вместо беготни с футбольным мячом по двору начинает осваивать инструмент. Вместе с Роном занимается блюзом и постигает искусство импровизации, с отцом разбирает классику и песни Боба Дилана. Юный гитарист демонстрирует феноменальные способности в музыке, с легкостью исполняя риффы Эрика Клэптона. "Он хотел играть на электрогитаре сразу же", - вспоминает Гари. "Я сказал "Нет",...
With a passionate and humble heart for the presence of God, this young lady has a privileged and sweet voice that fill you with peace. Afer singing as a duet with Jesus Adrian Romero and Abel Zavala in Vastago Records, she released her first solo album "More than a Yearning" (Mas que un Anhelo in Spanish). .
Giuseppa Marcella Bella (born in Catania, Sicily, June 18, 1952), known as Marcella Bella, is an Italian singer, sister of the Italian singer/songwriter Gianni Bella. Marcella started her singing career in 1965 at the Festival de Ariccia winning but disqualified, as she was underage. Her career took off in 1972 at the San Remo music festival with ‘Montagne verdi’ (written by her brother). Marcella's main success came in the 1970's and 80's where she was a frequent participant in numerous music festivals and her songs could be found not only the Italian hit charts but also seen on the European,...
Andrea Marcelli: born in Rome, in 01/22/1962. Graduated from the L. Refice Conservatory in Frosinone (Rome) in classical clarinet, jazz composition and arrangement (1986), also attended clinics with Tommy Campbell and Peter Erskine. Worked as featured drummer playing many shows also for RAI Television from 1982 to 1988 (Domenica In, Tandem, DOC, Blitz, La Musica c'e, Orecchiocchio, Il Piacere dell'estate, Vediamoci sul 2, etc.), he also composed and recorded 7 CDs of Library music for television and radio. Moved to USA in 1989 spending 8 years in Los Angeles and 4 in New York. Andrea is resident in Berlin since...
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