Krobak | ru

Хроба́к (укр. "червь") — инструментальный проект, чей материал вдохновлен Godspeed You Black Emperor и Yndi Halda, со временем выросший из one-man-band'a в полноценный коллектив Дискография: 2008 the diary of the missed one 2010 blind parade compilation 2012 deep waters compilation 2013 little victories Официальная страничка проекта (англ.) bandcamp Страничка проекта на с рецензиями (англ.) .
Найдено 79 песни, продолжительность: 13:31:32
Fly In A Glass
Last Days of Summer
Amnesia (split edit)
Broken (gutted)
A Song for Lovers
Little Victories (2013)
It's snowing like it's the End of the World
And there by the River I lost my Glasses (2013)
It's snowing like it's the End of the World
So Quietly Falls the Night
The Secrets of Stagnation ("Deep Waters", 2012)
it's snowing like it's the end of the world
The Fried Bull's Blues
The Diary of the Missed One (2008)
it’s snowing like end of the world
They're all born this spring
After A Rain
Slow Train
Little Victories [Full Album]
Park Luny ("Deep Waters", 2012)
Slow Train
Bring some Magic to this Night
By The Music Of Autumn Trees
They're all shot this winter
Park Luny
Fading Flow
Marching for the Freedom We have lost (extract 2)
A Song for Lovers
2. Last Days of Summer
Blind Parade
Live 21.03.13
Blind Parade
4. It's snowing like it's the End of the World
Art Saves/Kills
Come With Me On Wires
And there by the River ...
Marching For The Freedom We Have Lost
Slow Train (without samples)
Nightbound [Full Album]
By the Music of Autumn Trees
The Fried Bulls Waltz
It's Snowing Like It's the End of the World
Stringer Bell
Three Tired Hands
Slow Train