Congress | ru

Black Congress are a noise rock band from Houston, Texas. Featuring members of Fatal Flying Guilloteens, Weird Party, God's Temple of Family Deliverance, My Luck. .
Congress formed in 1993, when all HC activity in europe was low... Most bands played either straightforward youthcrew HC or emo/post HC. Congress tried to blend the aggression and fury of HC with the technique and heaviness of metal. The successtory started in 1994 with the release of the classic 7"/MCD 'Euridium'. The term Edgemetal was born, the H8000 style of HC was created and lots envied that style and area. Goodlife contacted the band and in 1995 the milestone in metallic HC 'Blackened Persistance' was released. Congress found itself in a leading place touring with bands like Neglect, Morning...
The name "First Futurologischer Congress" is the title of a book by the celebrated science Fiction writer Stanislaw Lem (author of such works as "Solaris") whom the band were lucky enough to meet during his residence in Berlin. "There are musical parallels with the Human League, Simple Minds, OMD, neo funk and new romanticism with nods to Wire and Pere Ubu from the constant use of electronics. Lyricially the direction lies somewhere between early Fehlfarben, Abwärts and DAF veering towards Ideal...what emerges is outstandingly produced pop music, And not for the 1st FC well travelled road to damnation in the...
Найдено 80 песни, продолжительность: 18:04:14
Traditional Jigs / The Congress Reel
Same Tilt Same Fall
40 Miles Instrumental Mix
Congress Reel
Sleepless Children
South Congress
Empty Heart
Dry Leaves
Woman Is God
Broken Health
Fine, You're In
Freak Show XXX (Featuring Twista)
Endless Departure
Your Burning Heart
09 thirteen stabwounds
Just For You
Save Myself
Anguish, Love, and Romance (Featuring Talib Kweli)
1000 Degrees
Highlands / The Congress Reel
The Darkside
Футурологический конгресс
An Act of Congress
40 Miles
Футурологический конгресс
40 miles
Congress запрошення
overkill w/kursses (congress)
40 Miles
Футурологический конгресс
Congress - Дождь
(v1ntyy) trip w/ congress x V1ntyy
Congress - Restart