D.O.B. Community | ru

The Trees Community, also known simply as The Trees, and originally as "The Symphony of Souls", were an Episcopal Church-affiliated Christian community and a music group from New York, NY, United States. They were at first a disparate set of unlikely acquaintances that bonded in a common brokenness and resultant "search for Truth". From this simple beginning in a loft in Manhattan in 1970, the group evolved into a community with a formal, religious order. Based at the The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in New York City, they worked closely with James Parks Morton who was Dean...
"Taizé Community" is used as artist tag for the weekly recorded prayers at Taizé, downloadable from their website. Taize itself has spawned a unique style of worship music that reflects the meditative nature of the community. Taize music emphasizes simple phrases, usually lines from Psalms or other pieces of the Bible, repeated and sometimes also sung in canon. The repetition is intended to aid meditation and prayer. More about the music and prayer of Taize can be found on the community's website. (the last part copied from http://www.last.fm/music/Taizé/ ) .
Найдено 140 песни, продолжительность: 10:00:15
Так Уж Сложилось
Я люблю тебя, Россия
7-й этаж
M.C. - Мастера Слова
Тема молодым
Party В Стиле Old Skool
Все вместе на месте(95й)
Супер лирика
Бери От Жизни Всё
Хип-хоп не остановить
Бери от жизни всё
Все Вместе На Месте
Party В Стиле Old School
11. Так Уж Сложилось
Мы (D.O.B. community)
100 преград преодолев
Мы (feat. D.O.B. Community)
7-й этаж
Человек или...?
7. 7-ОЙ ЭТАЖ
Мастера Слова
Я люблю тебя, Россия
Танцы на ядерных руинах
Мы (D.O.B. Community)
7 этаж ада
Призиденты при уч. D.O.B. Community
Непруха (С утра)
Это D.O.B. Community
Бери От Жизни Все