Dale Carnegie | ru

Heartsdales were a self-producing J-Urban group, composed of two sisters Yumi Sugiyama (杉山ユミ) and Emi Sugiyama (杉山エミ), known by their stage names Rum and Jewels, respectively. The name Heartsdales comes from the area of Hartsdale, New York, where the sisters lived and grew up in. They are fluent in English, as well as Japanese. The group debuted in 2001, with the single So Tell Me (which remained their biggest hit throughout their career). They had a clear 80's and 90's American hip-hop influence in their music, and often included a full English version of their single as a B-side. Since...
Jeff Dale was born and raised on the south side of Chicago and was taught how to play the blues by two itinerant blues musicians from the west side when he was 13 years old. Jeff soon turned to blues songwriting and performing and eventually his travels took him to southern California where he hooked up with the Blue Wave Band, playing with them and releasing two albums of Jeff's original songs until 1988 when Jeff disappeared. Resurfacing 20 years later with a new band of grown ass men called the South Woodlawners, Jeff's blues are more ferocious, thoughtful and...
Магдалена Кожена (чеш. Magdalena Kožená; род. 26 мая 1973, Брно) — чешская певица (меццо-сопрано). Родилась в семье учёных (отец — математик, мать — биолог). Первоначально занималась на фортепиано, но после перелома руки в шестилетнем возрасте стала учиться пению, поступив в детский хор Филармонического оркестра Брно[1]. В дальнейшем Кожена училась в Консерватории Брно и в Высшей школе музыки в Братиславе (окончила в 1995 г.). В том же году стала лауреатом Зальцбургского фестиваля. В 1996—1997 гг. солистка Венской Фольксопер. В 2003 Кожена была удостоена звания Кавалера французского Ордена литературы и искусства. Она замужем за дирижёром Саймоном Рэттлом, от которого родила сыновей Йонаша...
Magdalena Solis also known as the High Priestess of Blood, was a serial killer, a member of a cult in Mexico that was responsible for orchestrating several murders, and participated in drinking the blood of the victims. She was convicted of 8 murders and sentenced to 320 years in prison. .