Les Pirates | ru

We Were Pirates is the musical brainchild of Mike Boggs, a multi-instrumentalist who writes and records songs in his home studio in the DC area. To date, Boggs has released three We Were Pirates albums and a film score for ‘Dear Mr. Watterson’ in 2013. ‘Dear Mr. Watterson’ is a documentary film about the impact of the comic strip, Calvin & Hobbes. We Were Pirates’ original score includes fourteen instrumental songs that range from jangly, upbeat pop, to darker, more introspective tracks. The score features Boggs on guitar, drums, keys, and some bass, while contributor Kate Rears Burgman (The Mean...
Pirates of The Caribbean is an alias for Armand Van Helden. You may also refer to the soundtrack by Klaus Badelt. If so please fix your artist tags. .
This is an incorrect name for a soundtrack by George Bruns and other. If this non-artist appears in your charts, please fix your tags. .