The+Scum | ru

The current Kingdom Scum project started in 1989 when two friends, an art student and a mental patient were digging through through the dumpster of the latter's treatment center in Richmond, Virginia. There in the trash lay some discarded archives - one of which was entitled "The Documents of Kingdom Scum". The papers were apparently written in 1909 by a former tenant of the institution who had signed their name as "Apuro, sun of the vermin wind". This name later became adopted by one of the two founders of Kingdom Scum. The other, Troy Eeyore, had been working with another...
Scumbo was formed in Brooklyn, NY in 2001 by Steve Debono & Joshua Fenn. is their MySpace page. .
Изначально EDUCATED SCUM был рождён как домашний шуточный грайнд-проект в 1998 году Михаилом [MishGun] Кузнецовым (автор музыки, записывал все инструменты) и Дмитрием [Dimebag] Дасовым (автор текстов, гроулинг). После записи 6-песенного демо в связи с участием Михаила в различных бандах проект был заморожен аж до осени 2003 года. Поднакопив идей, Михаил и Дмитрий за два месяца (октябрь-ноябрь) вдвоем в домашней студии записали свой полноценный дебют “From Chaos To Disorder”, состоявший из 18 треков. Правда, в этот раз для записи соло-партий в композициях Cannon Fodder и Religious Insanity Part I: Rejuvenation был приглашён старый друг Владислав Крыжановский. Пару месяцев шла работа над...
HARSH NOISE, experimental, electronic, drone & ambient artist from Madrid (Spain), also is a member of the Sci-Fi noise electronics Scum & Bones. Also is a ghost member a support live and studio of the grindcore band Machetazo. He started in noise in 2005 and has recorded 5 albums and several ep´s. .