Waller | ru

Фэтс Уоллер Thomas Wright ‘Fats’ Waller 21.05.1904, Уэйверли, шт. Нью-Йорк — 15.12.1943, Канзас-сити, шт. Миссури Выдающийся пианист, органист, композитор, вокалист и шоумен, один из основоположников стиля "страйд пиано". Был двенадцатым ребенком в семье баптистского священника, который оценивал джаз как "музыку дьявола" и мечтал сделать сына служителем культа. Мать — органистка в церкви — дала ребенку первые уроки музыки. В 15 лет Уоллер был уже профессиональным пианистом и органистом, выступал, к ужасу родителей, в кабаре и театрах, работал тапером в кино (играл на органе). Кумиром юноши был мастер регтайма Джеймс Пи Джонсон, который в дальнейшем часто помогал Уоллеру найти работу. Уоллер...
Fats Waller was the son of a preacher and learned to play the organ in church with his mother. In 1918 he won a talent contest playing James P. Johnson's Carolina Shout which he learned from watching a pianola play the song. He would later take piano lessons from Johnson. Fats began his recording career in 1922 and made a living playing rent parties, as an organist at movie theatres and as an accompanist for various vaudeville acts. In 1927 he co-wrote a couple of tunes with his old piano teacher James P. Johnson for his show "Keep Shufflin'". Two...
John Waller is an American Christian music singer-songwriter (Born: December 12, 1970 in Fayetteville, GA). He was the frontman for the band According to John; after the band broke up, he became a worship pastor in Colorado. He is now signed to the Christian label Beach Street Records and has released his debut album, The Blessing.John, his wife Josee, and their 3 children reside in Fayetteville, GA. Waller was named one of 10 "Faces to Watch" by Billboard Magazine in 2007. .
Die Wallerts are a german Humppa band founded in 2004. They are heavily influenced and inspired by Eläkeläiset. When one of the later band members saw Eläkeläiset play in Finland, the cornerstone for their style of music was laid. Their official homepage (their music is available as a free download) is DieWallerts.de. The band is called 'Die Wallerts' since some of their members are from the same family with the surname Wallert. .