Limp+Mixbit | ru

Группа собралась вместе в 1994 году в городе Джексонвилл, Флорида, США, когда вокалист Фред Дерст присоединился к Сэму Риверсу, Уэсу Борланду, а также кузену Риверса – Джону Отто. Позже в команду влился ди-джей Lethal. Так началась история группы Лимп Бизкит. Первый альбом под названием «Three Dollar Bill Y’All» вышел в 1997 году. Благодаря ему Лимп Бизкит появилась на показе мод MTV Spring Break’98. Второй альбом «Significant Other», выпущенный в 1999, продержался наверху топ-парада три недели. Однако их выступление на Woodstock ‘99 вызвало неодобрение из-за вспышек массовых беспорядков, в результате чего пришлось завершить фестиваль. Споры, дискуссии всегда хороши для музыкального бизнеса,...
At least two groups are named Limp. Limp were a punk rock/pop punk band from the San Francisco Bay Area that released three albums on Honest Don's, a subsidiary label of Fat Wreck Chords, as well as an EP on Fueled By Ramen, and a 7" record of early material on Coldfront Records. Limp's career was launched with the release of their first full length Pop and Disorderly in 1997. Hailing from the East Bay, Limp was born out of the same punk scene that brought about Rancid, Neurosis, Econochrist, and Fang. The record was well received not only because...
Christine Robinson, Craig Robertson, Dave Weston, Dorin Suciu, Jane McGee, Judy McGee, Tim McGee .
Soul Glimpse is the experimental moniker of Austyn Sullivan. Originally from Louisiana, now residing in Baltimore. Soul Glimpse creates dense textures and atmospheres in attempts to find higher realms of thought and perception through music. BANDCAMP SOUNDCLOUD TUMBLR VIDEO .
Plimp was born in 1999 when the unrelated Adam and Martin met in high school, attempted to form a Smiths tribute band but very quickly realised the songs were too difficult to replicate. Two weeks later they were peddling the newly invented Plimptons sound in the incredibly hard Motherwell pubs where most muso types would fear to tread, where shouts of “Gie's a blast of Wonderwall, mate” were omnipresent. The fact the band remained un-murdered is testament to their quality. Since those carefree pre-millennial days, the band has expanded to absorb other like minded types from the artistic utopia that...