Ali Ekber Çiçek | ru

Ali Ekber Çiçek (born 1935 in Erzincan, Turkey; died April 26, 2006) was a Turkish folk music artist. His father was killed in a major earthquake and his mother couldn't afford to support his education after elementary school due to financial problems. But he attended Alevi gatherings called Cems, where he not only became familiar with playing the baglama but also with the philosophy of the Alevi sufis. He moved to İstanbul and made acquaintance with popular folk musicians. After completing mandatory military service he was given the opportunity by Muzaffer Sarısözen to perform on state-operated TRT radio broadcast services...
Zdenka Kovačiček is one of the most popular and respected Croatian jazz rock female singers. In the midd-1970s the position of Zdenka Kovačiček within the rock community of the former Yugoslavia was further established as she became the best female rock vocal and her charismatic image maintained as a feature of her appearance to this day. She was claimed by rock and jazz fans, her interpretations where considered a recipe for success at blues and soul festivals. She preformed in music theatre - generally speaking legendary enthusiasm has always helped her to deal smoothly with most of the concert activities...