Chisel | ru

"Cold Chisel" - самая известная австралийская паб-роковоя команда, распродавшая на родине свыше трех миллионов пластинок. Группа образовалась в 1973 году в Аделаиде и поначалу меняла названия чуть ли не на каждом концерте. Конец неразберихе с вывесками положил клавишник Дон Уолкер (впоследствии главный автор песен), сочинивший вещицу "Cold Chisel", которая и дала коллективу нужное имя. Несколько лет у музыкантов ушло на выступления в различных уголках континента, прежде чем им предложила контракт фирма "WEA Records". За это время в команде случилось несколько кадровых перестановок, и на момент заключения сделки партнерами Уолкера являлись гитарист Ян Мосс, большой любитель водки и женского пола вокалист...
Formed in 1990 while the members were students at the University of Notre Dame, Chisel later relocated to Washington D.C., and was one of the first revivalist bands of the denim-clad mod/punk movement that would inspire the likes of the Mooney Suzuki and the Delta 72. Under the indomitably energetic songwriting of singer/guitarist Ted Leo, the trio included bassist Chris Norborg and drummer John Dugan. Chisel built a strong fan base before they had a sizable discography by touring with a host of popular indie bands -- including Blonde Redhead, Karate, and Fugazi -- through the early '90s. Their first...
Formed in Appleton, Wisconsin in 2004, The Wandering Sons have a smooth sound reminiscent of smoke-filled, backwater lounges. Strong lyrics back up the polished notes of an oboe, piano, bass violin, and percussion. Members of the band include Cory Chisel, Dan McMahon, Rick Setser, Adam Plamann, and Adriel Harris. The Wandering Sons frequently plays in small venues throughout the Great Lakes region, including Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. .
Найдено 181 песни, продолжительность: 19:51:40
Chisel Boys
Aint Seen Nothing Yet
No Gimmicks
Chisel Town
1978 - Cold Chisel (Full Album)
Class Oppression
1979 - Breakfast At Sweethearts (Full Album)
Live at Earth Jam, Notre Dame
1984 - Twentieth Century (Full Album)
Cry Your Eyes Out
Criminal Crew
Circus Animals
Nice To Meet You
1980 - East (Full Album)
Lying Little Rat (Propaganda)
To Chisel Fate
«The Perfect Crime» - full album
«Circus Animals» - full album
Billy Aaron
Fuck 'Em
He Can't Believe It's Over With You
On My Side
Waffle House