kristofer astrom | ru

Kristofer Åström is a Singer/Songwriter from Luleå, Sweden. He has had an productive and eventful road so far, playing with some local punkbands in the end of the 80s and 10 long years with Fireside. When Fireside decided to take a break Kristofer felt like doing something with his time, so he started playing solo Indie/alternative folk music. He has recorded over 7 Albums and 3 EP's since 1998 backed by Hidden Truck. Hidden Truck: Peter Hermansson - Piano Jari Haapalainen - Guitar (from Bear Quartet) John Jern – Bass (from Honey is cool) Per Nordmark – drums (from Fireside/Breach)...
Dmitriy Gruber, a man fixated with shadowy bedroom electronica is the instigator behind ‘Hjördis-Britt Åström’, but his collaborations with fellow minimal wave enthusiasts spans Europe and includes vocalists as well as instrumentalists. Gruber is a prodigious producer, new tracks tumble into the public arena on an almost weekly basis such is his proclivity for experimentation. He’s so comfortable with his assumed identity as Hjördis and the darkened world in which Hjördis exists, you start to wonder where the overlap from one identity to another begins and ends. 'Vader Evader': .
Финс­кий дуэт Blast­romen — это интерес­ней­шая фу­ту­ри­стиче­ская му­зы­ка, допол­нен­ная лазе­рным шоу, кото­рое в со­тню раз уси­ли­вает ее эффект. Мика Розе­нберг и Сами Коскиваара сме­ши­вают звуки ре­тро-элект­ро­ни­ки, ча­сто сыг­ран­ной на вин­таж­ных си­нте­за­торах и компьютерах Commo­do­re, с со­време­нным продакш­ном. На вы­хо­де по­лу­чается на­стоящая му­зы­ка будущего. Осно­вная тема треков Blast­romen — грань ме­жду науч­ными фа­ктами и вымы­слами. Запо­ми­нающиеся мело­дии, во­ко­дер и образ ро­бо­тов из фи­льмов 80-х — все это по­зволяет со­здавать уникаль­ную и неповтори­мую му­зы­ку. С 2004 года, ко­гда был выпущен их пе­рвый EP, до сегод­няш­него дня они пос­тав­ля­ют элект­ро шту­чной выде­лки, изда­ются на уважаемых лейб­лах вроде Street Sounds Records и Domi­na­nce Elect­ricity...
Nadastrom(ˈnä-dəˈstrȯm) - Established 2007: The collective brainchild of Washington, D.C. natives Dave Nada and Matt Nordstrom. Emerging duo experiencing significant buzz. i.e. The debut release from Nadastrom sold out on vinyl and became a digital store annual bestseller. As a longtime resident of Spin Magazine’s “Best Party in America”, Taxlo, Dave Nada perfected his in-demand dance floor sensibility, combining elements of dance, hip hop, and punk rock. Not long after that he was touring the world with well-respected DJs like DMC champ DJ Craze, DJ Ayres, and Tittsworth. With a Grammy nomination in his collection, Matt Nordstrom has been producing,...