The+Bulgarian | ru

Болгарский женский хор (также известный как "таинственные голоса") является одним из самых известных ансамблей Балканской и болгарской народной музыки. Этот женский хор выступал практически везде: на Красной площади в Москве, на церемонии награждения Нобелевской премии мира в Стокгольме и в Ватикане. Загадочное, таинственное, возможно даже несколько мистическое звучание хора возникает в основном из за, сопровождающего ведущую мелодию, второго голоса. .
The Bulgarian is a Bulgarian born House/Techno/Electro producer from Cape Town, South Africa. Writes various different types of electronic music for which he has many aliases such as (mr.elastik, Tom Paris and Dr. Shade) as well as being one half of his band' Tone Deaf Junkies, whose debut album is coming out soon on Koeksister Records. .
The Bulgarian Women's Choir (also known as The Bulgarian Voices Angelite or simply Angelite) is among the most renowned ensembles in the categories of Balkan and Bulgarian folk music. This women's choir has performed practically everywhere: on the Red Square in Moscow, at the award ceremony of the Nobel Peace Prize in Stockholm and at the Vatican. The cryptic, mysterious, perhaps even somewhat mystical quality that characterises the choir's sound arises primarily from the singers' preference for a second voice which is maintained a slight interval to the leading melody. This results in a kind of nearly-dissonant friction as well...
Polish cold wave band from Rzeszów. DISCOGRAPHY: One Million Bulgarians (1987, never released) Blues?! (1989) Teraz albo nigdy (1990, only in france) Langusta (1994) The best of (2001) Bezrobocie (2004) Pierwsza Płyta (2005, the lost album OMB) Langusta (reedition) (2005) Rocklad Jazzdy(compilation)(2006) .