Los Gatos | ru

Los Gatos ("Коты") - мексиканская рокабилли команда, появившаяся на свет 2 января 2000 года. Состав: El Gato - контрабас, вокал Any - ударные Rocki - гитара Начинали играть в небольших барах, позже участвовали в фестивале Viva Latino (2008, 2009 года). Как говорит сама группа - их музыка рассчитана на широкую общественность, радио, их видеоклипы неплохо распространяются. На данный момент группой выпущено 4 альбома: 1) Los Gatos hace 15 años 2) Lo que mata no es el auto (2004) 3) Rockabileando (2007) 4) Inadaptado (2009) .
Hailing from Seattle, Washington state, Los Gatos Locos, fronted by Charlie Splatterhead. Some of the best American psychobilly around, with lots of old skool influences. .
Os Gatos were one of the best-loved bossa nova groups of the mid-'60s, despite only recording two albums. An all-star conglomeration, the band included leader and guitarist Durval Ferreira pianist Eumir Deodato, bassist Sergio Barroso, and drummer Wilson das Neves. Deodato's excellent arranging skills helped make Os Gatos' self-titled debut an important album in the history of Brazilian pop. Aquele Som Dos Gatos followed in 1966, and though it was the band's final record, each member continued to make inroads in the jazz/samba scenes of both Brazil and America during the 1960s and '70s (Deodato and Das Neves especially). Neco...
Nothing can be said about this band. They don't even have a band name. They simply say when asked, "Somos los gatos negros," ("We are the black cats") because they are black cats. Sometimes, in different cities, the cats look different. Maybe it's just the water, but no one knows. If you have any questions about this band, you should forget about them. .
Ciro Fogliatta Basilio "Turco" Adjaydie Guillermo Romero Juan Carlos "Chango" Puebla Litto Nebbia Pioneering rosarina band of the Argentine Rock. Originally baptized the “Wild Cats”, in 1964 they sang in English in celebrations and like teloneros of groups arrived from Buenos Aires. In the repertoire they were the songs of Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. Little by little, and with the arrival of Litto Nebbia, they went incorporating own subjects (as much in English as in Castilian), until alternating a style to The Hollies, The Beatles and The Animals closest. At the beginning of 1965 they arrive at Buenos Aires...