My Silent Wake | ru

Silent Siren - японская девичья группа из 4-х человек, дебютировавшая в 2012 году. Она была создана в 2010 году 4 моделями Sumire Yoshida — вокал, гитара Ник :Суу Дата рождения: 28 декабря 1992. Место рождения: префектура Фукусима, Япония Группа крови : О Рост: 161 см Hinako Umemura — барабанщик ник: Хинанчуу дата рождения: 13 марта 1991. место рождения: Токио, Япония группа крови : А рост:163 Aina Yamauchi —бас гитара дата рождения: 3 июля 1988 место рождения: Канагава, Япония группа крови:А рост: 156см Yukako Kurosaka — клавишник дата рождения: 6 июня 1989 место рождения: Сайтама, Япония группа крови: В рост:151 .
There are at least three artists with the name Silent Majority. 1. Silent Majority formed on long island in the mid-90's and became one of the most influential hardcore bands from the area. Tom currently sings for Capital. Many people consider them to be the best hardcore band originating from Long Island of their time Silent Majority started 1990, as something of a joke band called Splastic Action. The band was started by Tommy Corrigan on vocals, Rich Jacovina on guitar, Jim Mallin on bass and I believe Tommy's brother Steve on drums. I'm pretty sure Ryan Heyner joined a...
A rock band with violins and a cello. Most people have shown mixed reactions to this mixture; some are amazed, some are doubtful, some are just plain interested. Truly, the sight of these classical instruments side-by-side with electric guitars is not really common. However, the truth is, this group of young individuals is just like any other band - they are set in making good music and sharing it to others. This is Silent Sanctuary. The band has been around the local music scene for quite sometime now. Though their kind of music has evolved through the years due to...
lo-fi pop - surf music. Wakes is the project of Tim Oxton, based in Boston, Massachusetts (US). For more info please visit: .
Wide Awake was a straight-edge hardcore band from Connecticut, active from 1986-1988. .