Nasrt El Badr, Assel Hamem | ru

Grassella Oliphant (September 1, 1929 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) is an American jazz drummer. Oliphant backed Ahmad Jamal in 1952 and Sarah Vaughan in the late 1950s, Other artist he worked with included Gloria Lynne and Shirley Scott. He released two soul jazz albums as a leader on Atlantic Records in the 1960s. The Grass Roots, released in 1965, saw Oliphant working with saxophonist Harold Ousley, vibraphonist Bobby Hutcherson, and bassist Ray McKinney. His 1968 release The Grass Is Greener featured John Patton on organ, Grant Green on guitar, Clark Terry on trumpet, and Major Holley on bass, in addition to...
Based in Wellington New Zealand, the Hasselhoff Experiment were a short-lived, full-throttle punk/thrash two piece. In the late 90's and early 2000's Andrew Tolley (guitar+vocals) and Brendan Moran (drums) toured New Zealand with the likes of Head Like A Hole, won a few NZ awards and made three albums before going their separate ways. .
Джон Хассел (22 марта 1937, Мемфис, США) - американский трубач и композитор. Известен за влияние на мировую музыкальную сцену и необычную электронную обработку звуков трубы. В наше время редко встретишь музыканта или любителя музыки, который преодолел бы (или хотя бы пытался преодолеть) границы музыкальных направлений, стилей и эпох, но они всё-таки встречаются. И один из самых интересных представителей универсальной музыки – американский трубач Джон Хассел. Сам он называет свой подход «искусством четвёртого мира», и это не обязательно музыка; это вообще такое отношение к творчеству и созиданию, которое предполагает создание уникального и неповторимого результата. «Когда я впервые сформулировал, чего на самом...
"Exuberant and rhythmic, somehow both wild and innocent, delivered with captivating melodic clarity and an irresistible playfulness," says The Boston Globe about Hanneke Cassel’s playing. Such charismatic fiddling has brought Hanneke Cassel many honors and awards. She is the 1997 U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion, she holds a Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance from Berklee College of Music, and she has performed and taught across the U.S., Scotland, Sweden, China, New Zealand, France, England, and Austria. In addition to her solo act, Hanneke has played for the Cathie Ryan Band, and is a member of Boston-based fiddle bands Childsplay...
Les Classels is a french Canadian band from Montreal, Quebec. They played during the 1960's and 1970's. .
Найдено 3 песни, продолжительность: 10:44

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