Ihre Motive | ru

LOCOMOTIVE BREATH was formed by former OVEDRIVE-guitarist Janne Stark in 1995. The band was completed with bass-player Ulf Kronsell (BLUE TOWN, E-TYPE, SOLID FLOW), drummer Mats Brandström (T FOR TROUBLE) and singer Herman Saming (A.C.T). "Train Of Events" was released on German BlueStone in 1997 and in Japan on Avex the year after (featuring one bonus track). In 1999 Mats relocated and was replaced by Peter Svensson (FAITH, MERCY), with whom the band recorded a cover of EUROPEs "Scream Of Anger" and CAPTAIN BEYONDs "I Can´t Feel Nothing" for two tribute albums. Pete was just a temporary replacement and his...
Automotive (не люди на фото) это еще одна шалость братьев Funcken (Funckarma). Оба получили образование в области аудиовизуальных искусств. В их работе прослеживается влияние хип-хопа, джаза, регги и даба, а также соула и, определенно, бита во всех его мыслимых проявлениях. Все что можно сказать о единственном, вышедшем в 2006 году, на небезызвестном лейбле Couchblip! альбоме "The Digil Parker Project", это то, что братья слегка "разрядили обстановку" легким набором синтезаторов и да боле знакомым битом. .
Locomotives was a norwegian rockband established in 1991. The band was started by the guitarists Kåre Vestrheim and Georg Buljo and their first EP-release came in 1994. Their first hit was the song Mind, which later on came on the album Spin from 1997. Because of their debut-album Spin, they were awarded the Spellemannsprisen the same year, in the category "Newcomer of the year". The album Albert came out in 1999, and was soon set on a tour trough the US. In 2000 the album Whats Your Good Luck was supposed to be released in the US, but it was...
Dirk Van Noten, Eddy Baetens, Filip Govaerts, Stef Claes, Werner Meuris .
Найдено 18 песни, продолжительность: 02:42:34
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