Luiz Arruda Paez | ru

Родольфо (Фито) Паес родился 13 марта 1963 года в Росарио, Аргентина. Его мать Маргарита Сулема пианистка и преподавательница математики умерла, когда мальчику было всего восемь месяцев. Ей был всего 31 год. Фито жил со своим отцом Родольфо Паесом, тетей и бабушкой. В детстве он увлекался футболом, как и многие мальчишки его возраста. Фито любил слушать музыку - в особенности: Дюка Эллингтона, Антониу Карлоса Жобима, Фрэнка Синатру, Астора Пьясолу. Он рано начал заниматься музыкой и посещал уроки игры на фортепьяно. Когда он подрос, то его главными кумирами стали "Битлз", Луис Альберто Спинетта и Чарли Гарсия. Со временем любовь к музыке пришла...
"Who is Luiza?" The band was formed in Brasília, Brazil during a weird part given in 2007, as an obscene invitation among old fellows. The blending sealed then brought up unexpectable musical results, which has spread and developed itself into its actual line-up: Kel Kill being responsible for the voices, Moiirah and Luc switch the guitar and bass player position, Lex Sothan plays the keyboards, and Felipe Rodriguez is the man behind drums set. In terms of musical references, there are similarities between Luiza Fria’s music with the one made by bands such as – and these dispense presentation –...
Luis Arruda Paes was born in São Paulo in May 8, 1926 and died in Mar 10, 1999. He participated of the inauguration of the Brazilian television in 1950 e, five years later, of first link to the a live TV transmission, when he commanded, of the São Paulo, the first part of a orchestral music, continued of Rio de Janeiro for the maestro Cipó. Also have great presence in the TVs shows "Um Instante, Maestro" (of Flávio Cavalcanti), and "almoço com as estrelas (Ayrton and Lolita Rodrigues). Later, with Cyro Pereira and Arrigo Barnabé, it established the marvellous orchestra...
Luiz Ejlli (born July 12, 1985 in Shkodra, Albania) is a singer best known for representing Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006 with the song Zjarr e Ftohtë. He failed to qualify for the finals after finishing in 14th place in the Semi Final. Between 1991 and 2002 he attended the "Prenk Jakova" secondary school in Shkodra. In 1995, he won the Best Voice Prize in "Child National Fesitival" in Shkodra. In 1998, he participated as a soloist in the "Gold Repertoire Chorus" in Shkodra. In 1999, he was a soloist (Tenor) in "Prenk Jakova" polyphonic chorus in...