Luiza Fria | ru

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"Who is Luiza?"

The band was formed in Brasília, Brazil during a weird part given in 2007, as an obscene invitation among old fellows. The blending sealed then brought up unexpectable musical results, which has spread and developed itself into its actual line-up: Kel Kill being responsible for the voices, Moiirah and Luc switch the guitar and bass player position, Lex Sothan plays the keyboards, and Felipe Rodriguez is the man behind drums set.

In terms of musical references, there are similarities between Luiza Fria’s music with the one made by bands such as – and these dispense presentation – 45 Grave, UK Decay, Sex Gang Children, Virgin Prunes, Bauhaus, Subtonix, The Vanishing, Cinema Strange, Crippled Ballerinas, Edith Piaf, among others…, beyond not-so-heard-of artists as Alvarenga & Ranchinho, a 30’s deep-rooted duo famous for their macabre and irreverent mid-Brazilian folk tradition.

Setting forth the quest for the answer to the fundamental question “Who is Luiza?” – consider here that “Luiza Fria” in Portuguese means something like “Cold Louise” – the quintet holds no heed in avoiding hallucinating over possible semantic branchings for the person “Luiza” suggested in its title; in a couple of months Luiza has acted out almost every role designed for a problematic human being. And it is hinging around such spirit of incognita that their lyrics are given form and content – awkward and stunning lyrics, complemented by equally odd visual and performatic means.

After a bunch of gigs, the band released a five precious tracks demo, with melodies and lyrics which conquered the brains and throats of fans who follow the band's itinerary.

A whole series of signals assures the real existence of Luiza Fria, according to the band – the project consists in tracing back her steps via simulacrum of her presence by sharp instruments, ruining buildings and a theatrical wish to go to bathroom. Besides the drunkenness of some, the product thereof has been the disappearance of a handbag and a trumpet. Whoever finds it, please contact the band. As well as whoever finds the answer for the (irrelevant) question: Who is Luiza?
They disbanded in 2009 .

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