LBR29 Hz Yung Fresh | ru

1) One oddity from my collection is the band Fresh, a ‘boy band’ constructed by Simon Napier-Bell. Simon Napier-Bell had been a manager for The Yardbirds way back in the mid 1960’s, he went onto manage an early Marc Bolan outfit called Johns Children. He also did the music for the 1968 film ‘Here We Go Around The Mulberry Bush’ and as Nuzz and myself know well, was fittingly set and filmed in glamorous 1960’s Stevenage New Town. One day in 1968 Kit Lambert, then manager of The Who told Simon Napier-Bell that he was getting together a concept album...
Fresh как истинный британец крайне вежлив, спокоен и тихо говорит, но его ярко зеленые глаза пылают огнем как у тигра в поэме Уильяма Блэйка. Создатель самых сумасшедших мелодий и ритмов скрывает зверя, живущего в нем, за маской тихого человека. DJ Fresh, ака Dan Stein – 36- летний музыкант, удостоенный звания Best Producer на престижном Knowledge Drum&Bass Awards в 2003 году. Он уже вписал свое имя в историю drum&bass музыки не только как продюсер, но и как соучредитель самых ярких и оригинальных drum&bass лейблов и совладелец неофициального центра мирового drum&bass коммьюнити - Чувствуя всю мощь творческого мастерства Fresh'а, подпитанного его...
REFRESH is a Dutch jumpstyle/dancepop girl-group which consists of 4 beautiful, young bundles of energy – Yvette, Lieke Brunette, Lieke Blonde and Marleen. The roots of the pack trace back to 2006 when the girls started taking dance lessons at the same dancing school and quickly struck a friendship that led them to form their own dance group, at the time still nameless. Soon they took their mix of street dance, jumpstyle and their own moves to the local stages, performing at clubs, schools, dance competitions, and when the mood took them, right there on the street, entertaining the stunned...
Payung Teduh lahir dari dua orang sahabat yang berprofesi sebagai pemusik di Teater Pagupon yang senang nongkrong bersama di kantin FIB (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya) Universitas Indonesia, mereka adalah Is dan Comi yang senang bermain musik bersama di kantin, selasar gedung kampus, tepi danau hingga event – event di luar kampus. Secara tidak sadar kebersamaan mereka dalam bermain musik telah menguatkan karakter bermusik mereka dan telah disadari bagi orang-orang sekitar yang sering menyaksikan mereka bermain musik bersama. Payung Teduh terbentuk pada akhir 2007 di Jakarta, Indonesia dengan formasi awal Is dan Comi, sadar akan eksplorasi bunyi dan performa panggung pada tahun...
Gud Gud Stockholm, Sweden .
Найдено 2 песни, продолжительность: 10:07
Fresh Cut [Screwed By Sergey Reznikov]
36 [Screwed By Sergey Reznikov]