Amuka ft Sheila Brody | ru

Шейла (Annie Chancel) родилась 16 августа 1945 г. Ее записи во Франции разошлись тиражом 24 млн копий (1-е место среди певиц за всю историю). Начала музыкальную карьеру в 1962 г., неоднократно возглавляла французские хит-парады в 1960-70-х годах. Наиболее впечатляюшие синглы - "L'Ecole Est Finie" (1963), "Pendant Les Vacances" (1963), "Les Rois mages" (1971), "C'est Le Cœur", "Aimer Avant De Mourir", "Quel Tempérament de Feu" (1975), "Un Prince En Exil", "L'Amour Qui Brûle En Moi (1976) и др. Во время расцвета стиля диско пела на английском языке в составе группы "Sheila & B.Devotion" (1977-1980 гг.). Cингл "Spacer" (1979) имел успех в...
Sheila is not a punk rocker. But her band is. Sheila sang into her hair-brush to all things 80s pop. Her band went to Bad Religion shows. As a result, The Go-Sheilas are what it would sound like if Belinda Carlisle fronted Green-Day. This Orange County band really puts the “punk” in pop-punk, bringing music you can mosh to while singing along at the same time. The Go-Sheilas are Sheila Go Sheila, Andy Fisher (formerly of Letdown), and Tobie Hutto. A guilty pleasure for England’s crusty punks, the Go-Sheilas have a sound you won’t want to miss. This summer will...
Sheila Brody is a singer/songwriter that is also known under her stage name Amuka. Originally from Detroit, she was discovered by funk musician George Clinton and became a member of the Brides Of Funkenstein, a P-Funk spin-off act. .
Sheila Hylton (born c.1956, Kingston, Jamaica) is a popular reggae singer. She is best known for the songs 'Breakfast in Bed' (#57 UK, 1979), 'The Bed's Too Big Without You' (#35 UK, 1981) and 'Mellow Mood'. .
The Sheila Divine were originally a Boston based rock group whose activities have been intermittent since 2003. Critics have compared their sound to the band's own heros, mainly early 1980s post-punk. The band has been most often noted for its loud/soft musical dynamic and Aaron's Perrino soaring vocals, screaming in key one moment and howling a falsetto the next. The band had a large die hard fan base in what was often called "the three Bs": Boston, Buffalo, and Belgium. The band most often explained that they took the name from the Australian term "sheila", which denotes an effeminate man...
Найдено 5 песни, продолжительность: 28:52
Lovecount (Feat. Sheila Amuka Brody)
Amuka Feat. Sheila Brody - Appreciate Me
- Appreciate Me (NYC Roxy Mix)
Appreciate Me (NYC Roxy Mix)
Appreciate Me (Al B. Rich Remix)