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Woodward Maurice Ritter (January 12, 1905–January 2, 1974), better known as Tex Ritter, was an American country music singer and movie actor popular from the mid-1930s into the 1960s, and the father of actor John Ritter. He is a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame.

Most popular songs:
1944 - "I'm Wastin' My Tears On You" (US Country #1, US Billboard #11)
1944 - "There's a New Moon Over My Shoulder" (US Country #2, US Billboard #21)
1945 - "You Two Timed Me One Time Two Often" (US Country #1)
1946 - "You Will Have to Pay" (US Country #1)
1961 - "I Dreamed of a Hill-Billy Heaven" (US Country #5, US Billboard #20) .

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