Teatteri Moderni Kanuuna | ru

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Finnish outfit who's name roughly translates to Modern Theatre Cannon. Includes members of Magyar Posse, Kuusumun Profeetta & Circle.

Mika Rättö from Pori calls himself an illusion worker, and that's what he really is. This fellow has excelled as a musician (Kuusumun Profeetta, Circle, Ektroverde...), painter, writer, actor, director and who knows what. Teatteri Moderni Kanuuna is a Pori-based theatre group, who have put on three plays mostly in Pori and Tampere. This is a soundtrack to Oopperse Le feti Le Grande Anaale, the second, grotesque fantasy play written by Mika Rättö. The music on this CD differs somewhat from the music heard on the theatrical piece itself. The surrealistic story of the play tells about a schizophrenic building contractor Le Feti, who in his megalomania decides to build a giant ass into the woods. It starts to pour out some strange crowd from the other side, who totally mess up the life of the near by town. In the end Le Feti gets his punishment: he is cast into a penis. It's a bit difficult to follow the story into detail by listening to this CD, because you can't always say exactly what they are saying or singing. The music in itself is sometimes even very enjoyable, and those who understand Finnish will get a few good laughs from the lyrics, for sure. The musicians, in addition to Rättö, include Pasi Salmi and Harri Sippola from Magyar Posse, and there is some fine keyboard stuff on the album. Most of the actors are included, as well, and some guest musicians. They have also used at least some acoustic and electric guitar, different kinds of percussion and, on a few occasions, bass on the album. The opera singer brings in a nice operatic atmosphere, and also the other vocal parts are very successful. .

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