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Five lines lay the foundation for a new sound community: KOMATON. Tomá Ivanov and Sebastian Lehner are two young Austrian sound artists living in Vienna and Linz. Always focusing on their passion to touch and move the body and soul of their audience, they express their musical sentiments through the utter infinities of electronic sounds without compromise.

But the dynamic duo didn't just pop out of nowhere. Their joint musical history already began in their early youth. Initially connected by their fascination, the freedom and emotionality of rich electronic sounds, the two freethinkers in their mid-twenties never cared about genre borders; the main point has always been that the beat kicks and the message is credible.

Since 2009, Sebastian Lehner alias Beppo Ton and Tomá Ivanov aka Garnet Ivanov go a part of their journey into the electronic realms as KOMATON. What the producer duo is about in their releases, live or on tape? Short and sweet, compact but beautiful: Getting those big human emotions and desires on a record and making them perceptible as electronic music - using all it takes: polished songwriting and delicate arrangements, at all times steadily supported by driving beat constructions. Inspired by contemporary colleagues like Clark, Matthew Dear, Modeselektor or the dreaded Wighnomy Brothers, their authentic way to sing makes them stand out from the masses.

The youngsters present themselves via Myspace and Facebook. Basically, that's modern and absolutely right - but KOMATON's real show happens on stage. Their live act is electronic sound entertainment combined with comatose surprise effects for all free listeners and dancers of the world - always in touch and on a level playing field with the audience. The two musicians' artistic ideology is in their continuous exchange with the like-minded and the processing or scoring that is fueled by their thereby newly found inspiration. KOMATON is a passionate musical profession, pooled in a sound community for body, spirit and soul. .