Kambarkan Folk Ensemble | ru

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"Kambarkan" is fairly regarded as the most famous folk ensemble in Kyrgyzstan which is using people's ethnic music traditions with modern music. Founded in 1988 Ensemble Kambarkan has 25 members. It has visited many foreign countries representing cultural Kyrgyzstan and received numerous awards, including Toktogul's State Award. Its repertoire consists of traditional Kyrgyz music with different modern covers and also fragments from famous Kyrgyz epic "Manas". The ensemble's Artistic Director is Esengul Jumabaev.

Salamat Sadikova
Baktybek Shatenov
Nurak Abdirakhmanov
Dilshat Kangeldieva
Sherik Risaliev
Bermet Orozbekova
Ömürbek Sakeev
Risbek Jumakunov
B. Shakirov
A. Kumenov
A. Sharshebaev
S. Adrakaev
T. Karabaev
S. Kendiraev .

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