Jarmo Saari | ru

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Jarmo Saari Solu gives a 21st-century twist to the one-man-band concept. Finnish composer-musician Jarmo Saari performs live on stage with a variety of unusual instruments, including the glass harp, theremin, viola da gamba, kalimba and lap steel guitar. This odd assortment of timbres is mixed with pre-recorded trombone, household sound samples, voices, barrel organs, pedal steel guitar, along with heavily processed and edited electric guitar.

After years of experimenting with processing, layering and editing sampled guitar textures, both live and in the studio, Saari has taken his ideas to a new level. His history as a multi-instrumentalist allows him to augment his unusual sonic palette with viola da gamba, theremin, trombone and voice, as well as household sound samples and lap steel guitar. Performing on stage he strives to achieve intimate chamber-music nuances, epic sound textures, an orchestral wall-of-sound, tribal intensity, and industrial outbursts

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