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1) Insert was a band born of the Ashes of several local bands in the Vancouver area. As a five piece melodic nu-metal act, they began their musical journey in January of 2004 when current bass player and music fanatic David Whiteside asked frontman and lead singer Johannes Rebane if he was interested in starting a new band as they had both recently left their previous ones. After agreeing, they both began composing music and doing some home recordings of several tracks which have evolved into some of Insert's most popular songs. However, they both soon realized that bands usually worked best if they had drummers.

Unfortunately they realized that the first drummer they found, who shall remain nameless, lacked in both talent and a basic sense of rhythm, leaving them drummerless and on the hunt once more.

But it seemed that good luck was with them for soon afterwards James Kim joined them and they began playing small venues across the fair city of Vancouver (to be exact…one show).

However, it was not until September of 2004 that things began to heat up. Erik Leonhard had just left a band that he felt was stifling his musical creativity. This dedicated musician, who's musical style has helped the progress of the bands style into what it is today, soon realized that Insert would give him a chance to express himself musically in a way his former band never could. So, as a result, he swiftly signed up with the threesome, and thus the lead guitarist of the band was born…metaphorically speaking, of course.

It was during Erik's first days with Insert that the band realized that, something was missing. It was at this point that the search for a keyboardist began. It was a long search. A couple of keyboardists were tried out, but they did not contribute to the sound of the band. They were subsequently replaced by current keyboardist Kevin Kim, who's musical training in the classical style has greatly helped shape the rhythm section’s feel.

At this point in time the band got busy (not a double entendre) in the studio and recorded a five song demo. Sadly, due to a lack of time, the fact their drummer was coughing up blood, and because Erik was on both sleeping pills and energy drinks, the result was a demo full of live takes that nonetheless, sold extremely well, paying for the bands new equipment.

It was now, a year after the band started, that tragedy struck a blow to the bands foundation. The drummer James Kim parted ways with the band for undisclosed reasons. Nonetheless the band remains in contact with James to this day, and no hard feelings are held on either side.

Insert now was at a loss. With no drummer they felt the momentum of the band was coming to a grinding halt. It was here that by mere co-incedence, they found Colin Parker. He was a North Vancouver drummer with a conciderable degree of ability and seemingly no future. Due to a mere coincidence involving mothers and a choir, they five met up and it was soon decided that Colin would be an adequite replacement.

The fresh blood of a new drummer and the increased level of musicianship in the band have led to a more developed and raw sounding Insert. They continue to almost daily increase their fan base, and their rule the underground local music scene. This leaves Insert with extensive ambitions.

2) band from Croatia .