Full Circle | ru

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More than one group seem to share this name.

1) Bulgarian alternative/metal band

2) Hardcore band from Ambler (that is still active (2009) .

3) A 70's Tribute from the UK, playing classic rock, funk, soul & reggae

4)Indian-Nepali band from Darjeeling. Full Circle performed mainly acoustic music blended with traditional instruments to Kathmandu audiences. The band also toured around Asia as well as playing in the UK, in addition to releasing two albums before going their separate ways in 2006.

5) Thrash Metal band from Kentucky.

6) An '80s fusion group that recorded for Columbia, and whose style mixed light pop, rock and some jazz influence. Bassist Skúli Sverrisson played with them in the early '90's.

7) A group of aspiring rappers from Toronto, Canada. .

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