Boogie Balagan | ru

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From Boogie Balagan's Myspace:

In the autoproclamed “Palestlsraeli” duo “Boogie Balagan”, psychedelic rock’n'roll meets cool Middle Eastern vibes. Their first album “Lamentation Walloo” is a message of peace and multiculturalism. First, imagine voices that combine Julio Iglesias drinking straight tequilas and Joe Strummer high on harissa. Then, imagine a Mediterranean Jimmy Page torturing his electric guitar like a Greek bouzouki. Sprinkle it all with an infernal beat of pounding feet, and clapping hands and you get something of the ghost of t-rex smoking a water pipe in Gaza or Farid el Atrache jamming with the New York dolls… The Hebrew word “Balagan” means mess, making “Boogie Balagan” a “messy boogie”. From Sinai to Muddy Waters blooz, Boogie Balagan has invented a musical couscous marinated in 70’s Oriental with electric spices. .

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