Bernard Adamus | ru

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From Montréal, Bernard Adamus was noticed by his presence at the Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée in 2009 where he won 6 awards.

His atypical group, mixing Delta blues and the "Main" also includes Benoit Paradis with the trombone, Éric Villeneuve at the drums, Taï Nguyen with the banjo and guitar. They are sometimes joined by Sylvain Delisle with the contra-bass.

Bernard Adamus is inspired by old American blues, Montréal daily life, gospel music, love, country music and Quebecer lyricism.

Launched Mai 4th, 2009 at Cheval Blanc in Montréal his first album, Brun, is well received.

In 2010, he participated in Francouverte and won first prize.

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