Pola Negri | pt

• Polaris was a one-off musical project in the mid-1990s involving members of the New Haven indie rock band Miracle Legion. Mark Mulcahy, Spot "Scott" Boutier, and Dave McCaffrey performed music for the Nickelodeon television show The Adventures of Pete & Pete under the name Polaris because fourth Miracle Legion member Mr. Ray Neal was not available at the time; occasional guests included Joyce Raskin, Dennis Kelly, and Buell Thomas. • Polaris é uma banda de rock de Brasília. Os integrantes são Alexia Fidalgo (vocal), Ugo Fonseca (guitarra), Carlos Machado (baixo) e Pedro Senna (bateria). .
www.myspace.com/abandabipolar A Banda Bipolar foi criada em novembro de 2007 com intuito de reciclar o rock brasileiro. Com influência pesada do rock dos anos 90 a banda tenta passar em suas canções (com letras em português), toda sua sinceridade. .
Negrita are an italian rock band formed in the early 90s in Arezzo. They took their name from the Song Hey! Negrita by The Rolling Stones. The band is formed by Paolo "Pau" Bruni (voice and guitar), Enrico "Drigo" Salvi (guitar), Cesare "Mac" Petricich (guitar), Franco "Franky" Li Causi (bass guitar), Roberto "Zama" Zamagni (drums). .
Kirill Pavlyashik comes from Kaliningrad Russia. In early 2009, his works drew the attention of several highly respected labels, among them London's Multi Vitamins. Polar Lights works with lilting percussive textures and economically placed jazz keys. His latest EP, Sidechains Of My Heart, was released on Pro-tez in February 2011. .
Polaroid Polaroid is spanish (or Español) for "Polaroid". The name "Polaroid" originates from two words that described a preceding relationship with one of the associates of Polaroid. This member dated a gentlewoman that had been diagnosed with a "bipolar disorder" (manic-depressive illness). The particular Polaroid associate endured the illness for months feeling like a robot and/or "droid", in a sense. The Polaroid colleague finally took the words bi-polar and incorporated the word droid and subsequently resulted with this concept we call: "Polaroid". We have no affiliations with the camera/electronics company. An interfusion of profound-caliginous-indie/rock mix out of Northeast Florida. The...
Encontrado 70 canções, duração: 03:40:44
Чарльстон Вавилон
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Ангел Хранитель
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Ангел Хранитель
В час тоски
Vergis Deine Sehnsucht
Чарльстон Вавилон
Tango Notturno. 1938
Ревю Зигфельда
Nur Eine Stunde (For That One Hour)
Очи чёрные
Дуэт Полы и Любича Полет
Песня Полы Час прибытия
Tango Natturno
В час тоски
Что нам горе
Мое сердце грустит
Ich shpur in mir
Прощай, мой табор
Tango Notturno (Tango)
Прощай, мой табор
Песня Любича
Снимем фильм
Tango Notturno, 1937
Tango Notturno (1937)
Black Eyes (Очи черные) (1931)
Ich Spur in Mir (I Sense in Me)
Песня Полы Цыганская
Nur eine Stunde
Ангел хранитель
Pola Negri - Час прибытия
Godspeed to You, Pola Negri
Tango Notturno
Mein Herz