Nyday | pt

There is nowhere to run. You cannot escape the torrent of 23RAINYDAYS. Their sound is a lush, impeccably mixed brand of rock described by the band's membership as Post Punk Dance Metal. This Washington, DC based band assails you with the heartfelt honesty of emo, the classic melancholy of 80s new wave, and the cutting edge of modern rock. The result is music that has blended mass appeal into one thoughtful sound. BEHIND/AHEAD There is a wry humor that is evident throughout the band's unofficial mission statement "23RAINYDAYS writes music that we hope will end up in John Hughes' films...
Consist of 4 members, formed in 2010 Vocalist : Fumiaki Ito (ex of Serial Drama) Guitarist : Oyama Jun (STRAIGHTENER, ex of ART-SCHOOL) Bassist : Mito Ichi (THE RODS) Drummer : Nakayama Shinpei (STRAIGHTENER) First released an EP, SIESTA in 2011, followed by full album My Freedom in 2012 and YOLO 2013. .
Encontrado 1 canções, duração: 01:35:00
NYDay House Party 2024